I always knew I would breastfeed, this was a huge priority to me. Before I had Logan I thought I would be relatively relaxed about it. I don't believe in nipple confusion, I would give him & encourage a pacifier and I woudl give bottles. These bottles may be expressed breast milk or they may be formula. I even bought said formula with coupons & sales while I was pregnant. Well now that Logan is here I am still relatively relaxed, I think thats why the breastfeeding is going so well. He does take a pacifier, this was intiated in hospital & I am glad for that. He has taken exactly 4 bottles since we have been home from the hospital. These were all EBM. I do not want him to have formula. I am shocked that I feel this way. I didn't expect to love and enjoy breastfeeding the way I do. I didn't expect to SEE in his face how much my baby enjoys it, its such a special time for us. I want him to continue taking bottles occassionally but hope to continue breastfeeding for a full year.
We intended on "co-sleeping" as in having Logan sleep in his bassinet in our room. In fact, I was not comfortable with bed-sharing or family beds. Not that I am against these in general, I think each family needs to do what works for them & what makes htem all healthy & happy. Which brings me to where we are currently, we have a baby in bed with us. I was always adamant this would not happen, because babies in bed turn into toddlers & children in bed, which I still do not want FOR US. However, Logan seems to want & need to be near us. I think this makes sense, we offer so much comfort, we are all they know from the womb. He sleeps better & longer when he is next to me. I sleep better to as I find I am drowsing during nursing sessions in bed. That all beign said, this scares me, I am so fearful, all I think of it what I tell my patients (what the hospital tells us to say) bedsharing=SIDS. I have done my own reading & research and now KNOW that in exclusively, on demand breast fed babies it is very safe, especially if you take precautions, which we do. We have a King size bed, there is plenty of room. For now we are bedsharing, for how long? I don't know we will decide when we get there, I am thinking probably 3-6 months, once he starts sleeping longer we plan on transitioning him to his room with a bedtime routine.
Being in the medical profession I think we know too much. I dont' think I thought this out much before Logan was born but I am not at all comfortable wiht him around a lot of people. I love for my family & friends to see him, but even with them they MUST wash their hands before they hold him. Also I dont' like a lot of children around him. My sister says I am "anal", if so then thats fine. The flu & RSV and many other illnesses can be fatal to babies under 6 months. Logan is especially at risk because he was born premature. I know I can't keep him in a bubble & honeslty I am not trying to, however I think I should do what I can to protect him. I like to think I will be more relaxed about these things as he grows but I am not gauranteeing that!
Thats really all I can think of at the moment, its good to have gotten it down. For now I think I will just continue to go with the flow. I am not comforming to one particular style or theory. I want to be open & flexible for Logan, I want to do only what works for us. I just want to be the best mother I can, my beautiful son deserves nothing less.
That's a great post & you're a great mom!! It's amazing how everything changes once they're here and you just want to do every little thing you can to make their life the best it can be.
Love the pics, too!
Oh no... so if I am already planning on BF full time, co-sleeping and "baby wearing" what does that mean for me? Thank you for sharing, in a very short time I am going to be figuring out all this stuff for myself!
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