Sunday, December 27, 2009

weighing in....

I have no photos, I am yet to upload them. Our Christmas was absolutely perfect, magical. I cannot even begin to think about next year when Les and I both have to work. I will post very soon about all of our Christmas festivities :)

I wrote a while back about joining weight watchers and my journey to get into shape. I am making progress, its steady and slow, but they say that is the most permanent and safest way to lose. I know my progress would be a bit faster if I was more committed, its been hard thru the holidays. I am doign better then I would without the program tho.

I am down 9 lbs so far, which is 5% of my body weight, not a bad start. I still have about 50 lbs to go. I know that in the New Year things will go even better. I am going to be more dedicated with my food choices, we are going on a budget so I will be cooking at home more, eating out is a big problem for us.

I also will be starting a mom & baby fit & swim class twice a week. Its a 45 minute cardio class followed by 30 minutes of swim fitness. This will be twice a week. For Christmas I also got the 30 day shred & a few other of the Jillian Michaels DVDs, I will be doing these 3 days a week as well.

The most motivating moment so far was Christmas day when I fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans, and not my fat ones. It felt great! I am hoping in January Les will get on board with me and we can both get healthy and set good lifestyle examples for our little man.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can do it....when all the holiday food is gone it will be a breeze!!