Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where did my baby go?

He's growing up so fast! I feel like each day he becomes a little more grown up and little less my baby. Things are going to change around here very soon, since I think he is just about on the move!!

He is sitting so well, for very long periods of time! He often plays sitting up now, can bend over pick something up and then sit back straight up.
And last night, on March 6th at 7 & 1/2 months Logan got up on all 4s and started rocking! I was so lucky to have my camera in hand! He hasn't done it since and I am in no rush since we have to get a baby gate custom made! He can get around well enough as it is with the rolling!

This is Logan's new cheesy little grin. It melts my heart. He does this whenever he smiles now. He is so excited to show off those two little teeth! Doesn't he look proud of them!?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what did the time go huh?? I see B sometimes & think he is growing up way to fast too; yeah for the rocking on all fours though!!