Monday, November 8, 2010

The Great Pumpkin!

Our little mouse was an excellent trick or treater! He walked the entire way, our street and the next! He loved going to each door, and wanted to go right in each house!
He was absolutely adorable!

The fuel of a loli pop helped with the walk LOL! Logan does REALLY like sweets so we work to make them a special treat, he does have his daddy's sweet tooth!
A year ago a read this wonderful idea on a mama blog (this awesome mama doesn't blog anymore and I MISS her!!) She wrote about the traiditon of the Great Pumpkin, after a little indulging following trick or treating (the lollipop and some smarties here) you leave your loot
on the porch and while you sleep the great pumpkin will take it in exchange for a gift!
While L is still al ittle young to understand this I wanted to start the tradition.
So after trick or treating we left his candy out on the porch for the Great Pumpkin....
And in the morning, he was ADORABLE! I can't wait till next year when he understands a little better!

Is this for me mama??

A new firetruck! Which he LOVES.
Les & I sorted thru the candy got rid of a lot of it and kept a bit to ration to him & ourselves at our discretion.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea; I am going to have to remember that for next year. To bad it doesn't really make the candy dissapear from the house though :)