Sunday, January 1, 2012

23 & 24 weeks

Of course a post isn't complete without a picture of my little man! He's so much fun right now. I wish I could get a good video of him talking, he completley converses with us and is SO descriptive.
Yesterday he was building with blocks and he said "look mommy I made a perfect castle!" LOL
And today we had an interesting conversation, it was storming and very windy out:
Logan "mama whats that sound?"
Me "its the wind and rain"
Logan "Its just the wind? I no like it, it scares me, make it stop mama"
Me "I can't make it stop buddy but mama will stay close so your not scared"
Logan "OK mama but the wind doens't make me happy"
Me "Its OK mama, the sun will make it stop"
hahaha, kids are too funny!
Pregnancy wise things are going well. I'm still having occasional cramping episodes that make me very uneasy. They are worse if I do too much (which I'm trying REALLY hard not to do)
I'm feeling good otherwise. Ducky is SO active these days. I have another ultrasound coming up and I"m SO tempted to find out what this little peanut but I just try to keep
remembering how special that moment was in the delivery room and it helps (kinda) to keep me strong!
I will do the survery next week! I'm really unsure on if I think Ducky is a boy or girl, I think either way I will be really surprised! Most people guess boy tho!
On to the bump!
23 weeks:
24 weeks:

And for comparison, 24 weeks with Logan:

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