Well before I do my survey I will give a little overview of today. When Les came home from work this morning he noticed swelling in my face & was concerned, he checked my blood pressure, it was high 142/96. We were concerend but I was tired & hadn't slept well & had a headache so I convinced Les that I should go back to bed & check it again when I woke up. I took some Tylenol & went to bed. I went for my massage therapy this afternoon & still had a headache after a second dose of Tylenol. We checked my BP again, it was high again & I had protein in my urine. So after consulting my friend/colleague we headed to triage, I really thought I would be in & out. However, when I got here my BP was even higher 152/101 and there was protein in my urine, my headache is worse & my vision is altered. So they admitted me, they considered inducing had my labs been too bad but luckily they are not that bad. They will repeat them in the morning. Dr. J's goal is to get me to at least 36 weeks, 37 would be ideal. So for now its one day at a time, & hoping BB can stay put a little longer!
How far along? 35 weeks!
Total Weight Gain? 21 lbs as of Monday.
Maternity Clothes? Everything, I am not buying anymore tho!
Stretch Marks? More & more going further up the bump!
Sleep? Not so great! I am uncomfortable, peeing every 2 hrs, my hips hurt, and everytime I need to change positions I get awful RL pain! This is leaving me very tired!
Best Moment this week? Les feeling more & more of BB's movements. And our friends SEEING the bump move, they thought that was pretty neat.
Food Cravings? Cheese, cherries, watermelon
Labour Signs? I am having inconsistent cramps & contractions, they were even picking up on the monitor tonight.
Belly Button? sticks out a bit depending on BB position, otherwise totally flat.
What I miss the most? Sleep, my ankles & being able to move without groaning! And being at home with my husband!
What am I looking forward to the most? having a healthy outside baby in a few weeks!
Milestones? making it to 35/35, developing PIH and being readmitted to the hospital.
I am so sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital; hang in there & I hope that your testing goes well this morning!
aw you poor thing! I hope they are able to maintain your BP and you can make it to 36 weeks! GL with your testing this am!
Congrats on 35/35! Sorry your in the hospital again, hopefully everything goes well. Good Luck!
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