We are slowly working on potty training. I wish I had 3 solid days at home I believe that if I just put him in big boy underwear and went to the potty often with prompting he would train. He LOVES his big boy underwear and has successfully asked and done to the potty (#1 and #2) several times. I'm hoping to accomplish this during the summer.
Isn't her cute in his Thomas undies!? Do you see my mess of a house in the background?! Ugh!
I've started school, its going OK. I am not finding the work itself difficult at all. Its intro statistics. I took the course during my undergrad. Its more the 8 hrs a week I am gone for class/lab and the time required for studying/doing assignments. So far I am handling it OK.
My mom is a saint and when she had L Sunday while Les & I both worked she came and cleaned my house. We have managed to keep it up so far! Its a struggle. Les has been more helpful. Its his 3rd of 4 12 hr shifts today, so he is tired and cranky.
I am prayerful that all this work and strain will be rewarded in my future with a job that suits our family better! And one that I can really make a difference in!
We are still thinking of #2. Although we have A LOT going on right now, I feel like its time. We are hoping to add to the family in the next year or two. We are committed to a young family right now and would like L and his sibling to be about 3 years apart!
Our biggest struggle right now is financially. And this makes NO sense. We both have good jobs (we are both registered nurses) and make good money. We didn't buy a house out of our means. However I am making less then I did when we first got married and we tend to (out of habit) spend a lot on eating out and other luxuries that we are trying to cut back on. I need to work on a budget, we had never had to live on a budget before. Anyone have any tips for me? I am the financial one in the house, and i have a lot going on already!
I think he is working on his 2nd year molars. He still has his guk (pacifier) and I know I need to work on getting rid of it. I'm not ready for that just yet, maybe once some of my current challanges are behind me!